Who Are We?
About The Gathering
Encountering The Goodness of God
The Gathering is a group of house churches and simple fellowships located in Santa Cruz County and Santa Clara County, California. Our gatherings are passionately focused on the presence of God, obedience to the Word of God and on blessing our local community, and beyond.
We are network of communities characterized by extraordinary hope because we have seen God do great miracles of healing, recovery, and redemption. We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to His purpose.
We invite you to get to know us more by browsing around this website. You can find more details on our fellowships HERE. Got a question? We love questions and we invite anyone to contact us at james@crossoversoundwaves.com.
We hope you will come out and join us some time. Until then, we pray God's richest blessings on you and your family!
Our Vision
The vision of the Gathering is to create a culture of disciples who make disciples that are being transformed through encountering the manifest presence of God, and obedience to Jesus Christ.
Our Distinctives
We are all made to experience God personally…Encountering the presence of God satisfies the deepest longing of the human heart.
Obedience to God’s Word by the power of the Holy Spirit brings healing, purpose, and transformation. Transformed people transform the world.
Anything Is Possible
God is a God of possibilities and miracles. With God, the impossible becomes possible.
We passionately pursue community…We encounter MORE of God’s goodness, power , and love TOGETHER.