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Covid Guidelines

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Covid Guidelines

For In-Person


Due to the frequently changing nature of California regulations about gatherings, we encourage everyone to please check your email updates regularly.  Your choice to attend an in-person service is voluntary. We encourage those in high risk categories for Covid-19  to please participate via our live stream. During in person services we ask that everyone please observe the following guidelines:


  • If you are sick, or have any symptoms of cold, cough, or fever, it is imperative that you stay home and enjoy our services via our live stream.

  • If you have been exposed to someone with Covid 19, do not attend during the quarantine period, and instead use our live-stream option.

  • Please wear a mask when entering and exiting the building.

  • Please observe social distancing while on-site. Families groups are encouraged to sit socially distanced from one another.

  • Children should sit with their family group and be supervised by parents at all times.

  • Hand sanitizer will be provided at various locations around the building. 

  • When attending an in-person service, you are in a public setting with other individuals that are not related to you. As in any other public setting, there is a risk to be away from your home. Your participation is purely voluntary.

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